The Polo Aldi in Saturnia remembers a great Italian artist: Paride Pascucci
On the 70th anniversary of the death of Paride Pascucci (Manciano, 30 September 1866 – 1 July 1954), the exhibition ‘Paride Pascucci Volti e storie della Maremma’ (Paride Pascucci Faces and Stories of Maremma) on display at the Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi in Saturnia, Piazza Vittorio Veneto 19, until 3 November, represents the last act of a widespread exhibition project that in recent months has involved the Polo Culturale Le Clarisse in Grosseto and in Manciano the Church of San Leonardo. The aim was to celebrate a great artistic glory of the Maremma that follows Pietro Aldi in time and with whom he is associated due to his total dedication to art, his training and even family ties.
Thanks to important loans from public and private institutions, the exhibition outlines the artist’s entire career, and in particular the years of his training and public affirmation at national level. The paintings, of considerable size, sketched with confident brushstrokes and skilful colour combinations, reveal crude, sometimes dramatic aspects of daily life in the Maremma at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and offer the original ideational contribution of an artist from the Italian province, still little known for his precise existential choice, to the broader and more important panorama of European realism and naturalism.
The intense emotion flowing from Paride Pascucci’s works reveals his profound and sincere participation in the rhythms and customs of his land and its people. He still lives on for us through his gaze committed to discovering poetry, beauty and even heroism in the strenuous poverty.
The exhibition will be open for free (for opening hours Information, tel.+ 39 0564 601259, e-mail: