Musei di Maremma

Colline metallifere

Follonica: Midnight: painting and photography come together in the works of Nian and Bifido

Until 29 September in the Pinacoteca Civica di Follonica you can visit the exhibition ‘Midnight’ by Nian and Bifido, inaugurated on 25 July, a journey into the hybrid dimension between Bifido’s photography and Nian’s painting. Curated by the Florentine Street Levels Gallery, the exhibition is the result of a collaborative project between the two artists, a painter and a photographer.

Massa Marittima
Mining Museum of Massa Marittima

The museum is the result of the transformation of an ancient quarry in which three tunnels had been created for use as a shelter during the Second […]

Mineral and Nature Park of Gavoranno

The Mineral and Nature Park of Gavorrano was established in July 2003 to redevelop and re-qualify marks left in the landscape by mining. As of […]

“Terra Rossa” terminal

Tra il 1911 ed il 1968, le teleferiche minerarie, che attraversando la Valle del Pecora trasportavano la pirite estratta dalle miniere dell’interno, […]

Massa Marittima
Organ Museum of Santa Cecilia

The Santa Cecilia Museum Foundation was established in 2002 by Lorenzo Ronzoni, who made available his impressive collection of musical instruments, […]

Massa Marittima
Archaeological Museum of Massa Marittima

The Archaeological Museum is housed in Palazzo del Podestà (1225), which overlooks the square of Piazza del Duomo in Massa Marittima. The collection […]

Massa Marittima
The Candlestick Tower and Sienese Fort

La Torre del Candeliere, or The Candlestick Tower, is a monument belonging to the Massa Marittima Museum System. Erected in 1228, it served as […]

Massa Marittima
Museum Complex of San Pietro all’Orto

The Museum of Sacred Art highlights in particular the most important artistic and historical period of the town, from the 1300s to the 1400s, […]

Civic Gallery

On the first floor of the Pinacoteca Civica, or Civic Gallery, are permanent collections (temporarily closed) of works by painters from the Follonica […]

Massa Marittima
Mondo Marino Aquarium

The AQUARIUM MONDO MARINO is both a centre of marine environmental education and the headquarters of the SHARKS StUDIES CENTRE that undertakes […]

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