Musei di Maremma

Regione dei Tufi

The “Leonardo in Fortezza” exhibition event in Pitigliano

All the genius of Leonardo da Vinci in an unrepeatable exhibition with over 50 machine models faithfully reproduced following the Codes, thanks to the study and work of the Florentine artisans of the Niccolai family. It is the Leonardo in Fortezza exhibition event hosted from 15 June to 30 September 2024 in Pitigliano, in the premises of the Ex Granai.

Archeological Park

The park named “Città del Tufo”, or “City of the Tufa”, in the district area of the town of Sorano, offers visitors […]

Insediamento rupestre di Vitozza

L’altro settore del Parco è l’insediamento rupestre di San Rocco al quale si accede percorrendo la provinciale 22 a circa […]

Jewish Museum, Sinagogue and Ghetto

In the sixteenth century Pitigliano belonged to the small county ruled by the Orsini Counts, between the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Papal […]

Palazzo Orsini Museum of Pitigliano

The museum is housed by Palazzo Orsini, which was founded in fourteenth century, enlarged by Count Niccolò II Orsini and modified in the […]

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