Musei di Maremma


Insediamento rupestre di Vitozza

L’altro settore del Parco è l’insediamento rupestre di San Rocco al quale si accede percorrendo la provinciale 22 a circa […]

House Museum of Monticello Amiata

The “Casa Museo di Monticello Amiata”, or “House Museum of Monticello Amiata”, is in a historic building of the old town […]

Villa Sforzesca

Prestigiosa struttura rinascimentale che fu progettata da Domenico e Giovanni Fontana, architetti allievi di Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Costruita […]

Area archeologica di Roselle

The ancient town of Roselle rose on an elliptical highland which included two hills separated by a central valley. Apart from some remains of […]

Palazzo Orsini Museum of Pitigliano

The museum is housed by Palazzo Orsini, which was founded in fourteenth century, enlarged by Count Niccolò II Orsini and modified in the […]

Massa Marittima
Mondo Marino Aquarium

The AQUARIUM MONDO MARINO is both a centre of marine environmental education and the headquarters of the SHARKS StUDIES CENTRE that undertakes […]

Civic Gallery

On the first floor of the Pinacoteca Civica, or Civic Gallery, are permanent collections (temporarily closed) of works by painters from the Follonica […]

Pietro Aldi Cultural Centre

Founded at the behest of Banca Tema, the new Pietro Aldi Cultural Centre is located in the heart of Saturnia.

Pietro Aldi was a painter born […]

Polo Museale di Arcidosso

The Aldobrandeschi fortress is one of the most ancient medieval castles in Italy and Europe (cc. 10th – 14th). Its new Tourist Trail and […]

Clarisse Arte

The Museum
Clarisse Arte is on the first floor of the building of the former convent of the Poor Clares in Grosseto.
Defined as the Grosseto’s […]

Monte Argentario
Orto Botanico Corsini

Questo giardino nasce nel 1868 per volontà del Generale Vincenzo Ricasoli (1814-1891), fratello del più famoso Bettino detto il […]

Mineral and Nature Park of Gavoranno

The Mineral and Nature Park of Gavorrano was established in July 2003 to redevelop and re-qualify marks left in the landscape by mining. As of […]

Archeological Park

The park named “Città del Tufo”, or “City of the Tufa”, in the district area of the town of Sorano, offers visitors […]

Castiglione della Pescaia
Area archeologica di Vetulonia

Vetulonia and its territory Today Vetulonia is a small village overlooking the Grosseto plain, which in Etruscan times was occupied by Lake Prile, […]

The Polo Aldi in Saturnia remembers a great Italian artist: Paride Pascucci

On the 70th anniversary of the death of Paride Pascucci (Manciano, 30 September 1866 – 1 July 1954), the exhibition ‘Paride Pascucci Volti e storie della Maremma’ (Paride Pascucci Faces and Stories of Maremma) on display at the Polo Culturale Pietro Aldi in Saturnia, Piazza Vittorio Veneto 19, until 3 November,

Massa Marittima
Museum Complex of San Pietro all’Orto

The Museum of Sacred Art highlights in particular the most important artistic and historical period of the town, from the 1300s to the 1400s, […]

Massa Marittima
Organ Museum of Santa Cecilia

The Santa Cecilia Museum Foundation was established in 2002 by Lorenzo Ronzoni, who made available his impressive collection of musical instruments, […]

Mineralogical Museum of Semproniano

The Mineralogical Museum was born thanks to the interest of private individuals and offers an excellent selection of minerals from all over the […]

Jewish Museum, Sinagogue and Ghetto

In the sixteenth century Pitigliano belonged to the small county ruled by the Orsini Counts, between the Grand Duchy of Tuscany and the Papal […]

Museum of the ‘Focarazza’ of Saint Catherine

This ethnographic collection of the celebration of the Fire of Saint Catherine is housed in the premises of a former blacksmith’s forge. The museum documents the work, traditions and rituals relating to the traditional celebratory bonfire, the use of fire in daily life and the wood deriving from trees of Monte Amiata.

Castel del Piano
Palazzo Nerucci Art Collection

Palazzo Nerucci, a beautiful example of 16th sixteenth-century architecture, is located in the old part of Castel del Piano. On its first floor, […]

Massa Marittima
Archaeological Museum of Massa Marittima

The Archaeological Museum is housed in Palazzo del Podestà (1225), which overlooks the square of Piazza del Duomo in Massa Marittima. The collection […]

Massa Marittima
The Candlestick Tower and Sienese Fort

La Torre del Candeliere, or The Candlestick Tower, is a monument belonging to the Massa Marittima Museum System. Erected in 1228, it served as […]

Massa Marittima
Mining Museum of Massa Marittima

The museum is the result of the transformation of an ancient quarry in which three tunnels had been created for use as a shelter during the Second […]

“Terra Rossa” terminal

Tra il 1911 ed il 1968, le teleferiche minerarie, che attraversando la Valle del Pecora trasportavano la pirite estratta dalle miniere dell’interno, […]

Castiglione della Pescaia
Return trip garden

Le installazioni di Rodolfo Lacquaniti create nel suo Giardino d’artista Parco d’arte Contemporaneo, rappresentano un punto di riflessione […]

Museo dell’Olio di Seggiano

Il Museo dell’Olio di Seggiano è un progetto museale diffuso, ideato dal Comune di Seggiano e dalla Fondazione Le Radici di Seggiano”, […]

Natural History Museum of Maremma

The museum is a cultural centre and a place for dialogue between the scientific community and the public, through guided tours, educational activities, […]

Castel del Piano
Piero Bonacina Garden

In his own garden in Montegiovi, which he has named “Arte a Parte”, or “Art Apart”, the artist Piero Bonancina has collected […]

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