Musei di Maremma

Monte Amiata

Mineralogical Museum of Semproniano

The Mineralogical Museum was born thanks to the interest of private individuals and offers an excellent selection of minerals from all over the […]

Museum of the ‘Focarazza’ of Saint Catherine

This ethnographic collection of the celebration of the Fire of Saint Catherine is housed in the premises of a former blacksmith’s forge. The museum documents the work, traditions and rituals relating to the traditional celebratory bonfire, the use of fire in daily life and the wood deriving from trees of Monte Amiata.

House Museum of Monticello Amiata

The “Casa Museo di Monticello Amiata”, or “House Museum of Monticello Amiata”, is in a historic building of the old town […]

Castel del Piano
Piero Bonacina Garden

In his own garden in Montegiovi, which he has named “Arte a Parte”, or “Art Apart”, the artist Piero Bonancina has collected […]

Polo Museale di Arcidosso

The Aldobrandeschi fortress is one of the most ancient medieval castles in Italy and Europe (cc. 10th – 14th). Its new Tourist Trail and […]

Museo dell’Olio di Seggiano

Il Museo dell’Olio di Seggiano è un progetto museale diffuso, ideato dal Comune di Seggiano e dalla Fondazione Le Radici di Seggiano”, […]

Villa Sforzesca

Prestigiosa struttura rinascimentale che fu progettata da Domenico e Giovanni Fontana, architetti allievi di Gian Lorenzo Bernini. Costruita […]

Castel del Piano
Palazzo Nerucci Art Collection

Palazzo Nerucci, a beautiful example of 16th sixteenth-century architecture, is located in the old part of Castel del Piano. On its first floor, […]

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