Musei di Maremma

Via della Castagna

Type of itinerary:
Walking route

Around 2 Km

Around 2 hours

Height difference:
250 m. climb


The itinerary is extremely interesting not only for its landscape, flora and fauna but also from an anthropological point of view. The starting point is the lower part of the village. The trail goes down through fields and woods and then ventures into the chestnut woods area, where it becomes quite flat. Subsequently, the path climbs up onto the top of the hill in front of Monticello Amiata.
Along the path you can see the so-called “Seccatoi” (drying kilns), the huts, the old dry-stone walls and enjoy the wonderful landscape and the wide valleys (of both the Amiatino and the Maremmano slopes), which surround Monticello. The path is even more interesting thanks to the presence of the chestnut woods, which are defined by the Council Directive 92 / 43 EEC as natural habitat types of Community interest. Chestnut woods are, in fact, among the few types of wood, which still contain large trees, full of holes and dead wood. This sort of trees allow many animal species to find a shelter and a place to nest, thus contributing to the maintenance of biological diversity: in other areas many of these species do not exist any more or have become rare.
The trails have been designed after an accurate anthropological and botanic research. Along the trails you will find explanatory panels, located in the places of historic and environmental interest. 10. Gps tracks

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